Hickling (Year 1)
Welcome to Year 1 class
The largest of the Broads, NWT Hickling Broad is a year-round haven for wildlife.
Hickling Broad is situated on the Upper Thurne river system, which holds a significant percentage of the UK population of common crane as well as important breeding numbers of other birdsr. Barn owl is almost guaranteed and you may see kingfisher if you are lucky. Interesting mammals include the introduced Chinese water deer, red deer and hard-to-see otters.
Among the many insects are two local specialities – the swallowtail butterfly and the Norfolk hawker dragonfly.
Click here to find out more about the Norfolk Wildlife Trust
Class information
Our PE days are: Tuesday and Friday
On our class PE days, please can your child come into school in their PE kit. Please ensure they still have a jumper/hoodie/sweatshirt as well.
Our curriculum newsletter for this half term is: /docs/Curriculum_Newsletter_Hickling_Year_1_Spring_24.pdf
Our curriculum overview for the year is: