Friends of the School Association (FOSA)
Welcome to the Acle St Edmund C of E Primary Friends of the School Association
FOSA are a group of parents whose aims are to help our school, children and parents in a variety of ways including, organising fund raising events to help provide money for extras within the school, such as classroom equipment, replacing library books, supporting theatre and dance workshops and improving the playground and play equipment. We also organise many events for the children including school discos and social events for all the family including Bingo, Quizzes, Summer Fete and BBQ. We also help support the school by coordinating volunteers and providing refreshments at events.
We are always grateful for volunteers and if you would like to help at an event or join the FOSA team, please speak to any FOSA member, contact us through the school office or via e-mail at
Many of us juggle family and work commitments, leaving little ‘spare time’ but the old saying “many hands make light work” is so true of an organisation such as ours. With a little enthusiasm, and however much time you care to donate, you could make a big difference. Many of you will have new ideas for fundraising, skills from previous or current jobs, or talents just waiting to be put to good use.
Come along to a meeting and I can re-assure you that your involvement will only be as small or as large as you would like it to be. If you don’t want to attend regular meetings, you could perhaps offer to help out during an event. There’s also plenty of ‘behind the scenes stuff’ to do as well e.g. envelope stuffing (raffle tickets, Spree books etc).