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British Values

The school provides  “a curriculum rich with opportunities for pupils to study a broad range of subjects” which “develops their creativity and knowledge of the world around them.” 

Parents appreciate “the many opportunities in the curriculum to enrich children’s learning.”  “Pupils behave well; they know and respect the school’s golden rules.

They “listen respectfully to each other’s views, and are kind and thoughtful.”     

Ofsted February 2019


A Statement On Fundamental British Values

As a Church of England school, Acle St Edmund Primary is underpinned by Christian values, and is committed to the values outlined in the Declaration of Universal Human Rights. These values encompass the four areas which have recently been identified as fundamental British values.


Children are offered choices and have many opportunities to make decisions from the earliest age. Throughout our school, their views are actively sought both in formal ways, for example through surveys, and more informally through a continual dialogue about their learning. School Council sessions and reflection times in class provide a forum for democratic discussion and responsible group action. Through example and through their curriculum studies, children learn that good governance is about service, not the exercise of power. They also develop a sense of pride in who they are, and how they can contribute to the common good of the nation.

The Rule of Law

Our school is an orderly community which is regulated by consent. Children help to create class and school rules and develop a strong sense of fairness, justice and commitment to the common good. Expectations are clear, and there are effective procedures for tackling behaviour and attitudes which are contrary to the school’s moral code. Children are helped to distinguish right from wrong, and to understand the importance of honesty, compassion, forgiveness and reparation.

Individual Liberty

Each child is cherished as an individual, with equality before God. There is strong support for children in developing their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence. Drama, role-play and philosophy discussions are used to encourage children to articulate and develop their own framework of opinions, beliefs and understandings. Originality and creativity are encouraged, both in class and through a variety of school and out-of-school events. There are effective procedures for ensuring inclusiveness and combating bullying.

Mutual Respect and Tolerance

As our school is largely monocultural, particular care is taken to ensure that children learn about the multicultural and multi-ethnic make-up of modern Britain. Opportunities are sought to celebrate diversity, for example through literature, through images in our school environment, or through visits and visitors. Children learn about other religions, cultures and lifestyles in a spirit of enquiry, and gain a sense of understanding of viewpoints and perspectives which are different from their own. Mutual respect and tolerance are recurring themes in assemblies.



all things arePOSSIBLE