Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)
“From a tiny seed…. all things are possible”
It is our aim at Acle St Edmunds Primary School that all children, regardless of background, ethnicity or level of need, are supported to THRIVE.
At Acle Primary School, we always put the child at the heart of everything we do, providing a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum that leads them on a journey to become life-long learners
Our ambition is that every child, whilst at the school, will be provided with the knowledge, skills and experiences which will enable them to blossom during their time here and be ready for the next stage of their journey.
We are a very inclusive school and are always reflecting on our practice to ensure the very best for all of our pupils. We see every child as an individual and strive to help every learner be the very best they can through accessing high quality teaching and appropriately adapted learning activities and approaches.
At Acle Primary school we are using the 7 Cs Learning Portfolio to help identify pupil strengths and barriers to learning. The 7 Cs Learning Portfolio provides a language of assessment that we can all use to offer a combination of adjustments, support and intervention to overcome or remove barriers to learning.
Local offer
As part of the Local Offer, all schools and county council’s must publish on their website information about what support there is for children with SEND in the school.
Please click on the link below for information about Acle St Edmund C of E Primary Academy’s support for SEND pupils as well as additional SEND information.
Norfolk County Council local offer
SEN Guide for ParentsFive Day PosterGrounding TechniquesProvision Expected SEN SupportAcle SEN INFO REPORT 2024-2025