Safeguarding and Mental Health
Safeguarding in Our School
Acle Primary Academy is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the safety and welfare of children at all times. We expect all staff, governors and volunteers to share this commitment, and training, monitoring and reporting procedures are in place to ensure this commitment is realised.
We aim to provide a safe environment that is conducive to learning. We also aim to identify children who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm, and take appropriate steps to keep them safe in school and at home when required.
As part of our duty to provide a safe and secure environment for our children and to promote the welfare of our pupils, all visitors to the school are required to report to the school office first, for security reasons.
We have safer recruitment procedures in place, as well as a range of policies and procedures to ensure that your child is safe while at school (link to current Safeguarding Policy)
Safeguarding and the Curriculum
As part of our overall curriculum, we aim to educate children about safeguarding issues, particularly using the internet and social media safely, drugs, relationships and sex education. Safety issues and subjects are discussed and safe practices are also taught, for example through the safe use of play and PE equipment.
Health and Safety
We have a Health and Safety Policy and provide a safe secure environment for pupils and staff. We work in accordance with St Benet's Multi-Academy Trust and carry out regular Health and Safety inspections and fire drills.
At all times, we ensure that appropriate pupil/adult ratios are maintained and risk assessments are carried out for all activities and school trips
Safeguarding Support
Mrs ClarkeDesignated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Clarke
Miss FiragoDeputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Miss Firago
Mrs Belgrave-LockSafeguarding Governor
Mrs Belgrave-Lock
We have three Designated Safeguarding Leads:
Mrs Clarke, Executive Headteacher, Mrs Tovell, Head of School and Miss Firago, our Wellbeing Co-ordinator. We also have a designated Safeguarding Governor, Mrs Belgrave-Lock, who monitors our safeguarding and child protection processes alongside the governing body.
If you have any questions regarding the safety of a child during term time please contact one of the designated safeguarding leads via the school office.
Click here to see our safeguarding policy.
If you need assistance outside of school hours, at a weekend or during a school holiday you can contact the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) 24 hours a day.
You can do this via their website at: by telephone: 0808 800 5000, by text: 88858 or by email:
If you think a child is in immediate danger do not delay: CALL 999 straight away.
Wellbeing and Mental Health
Our Wellbeing Co-ordinator and Mental Health Lead is Monika Firago and she is an advanced Drawing and Talking Therapy Practitioner in our school.
She specialises in special needs and social, emotional and mental health needs which she is passionate about!
She leads several successful interventions including Meditation, Drawing and Talking Therapy and Lego Therapy.
She is passionate about wellbeing and I know how important it is to have a healthy mind!
Supporting children with Drawing and Talking Therapy is one of her favourite things to do.
There is no better feeling for her than to help someone to process their own feelings, seeing them find a resolution and to be able to help them heal.
Drawing and Talking Therapy is a therapeutic intervention suitable for children, adolescence and adults which focuses on prevention, early intervention and recovery of mental health issues through therapeutic play work.
Drawing and Talking is a person-centred one to one intervention focusing on supporting the social and emotional wellbeing through story telling. The technique is intended to allow the person to play, by drawing a picture and process any emotions they are holding internally in a safe and non-confrontational way, working at their own pace.
Aims of intervention
It allows us to build emotional resilience and an understanding of human connection
Greater self-esteem
Ability to make important and safe human connections
Feeling happier
Reduction in anxieties
Better able to access and navigate the world both socially and emotionally
Resolution of internal turmoil
Miss Monika Firago
Wellbeing Lead and DDSL
Drawing and Talking Practitioner
Further links you may find useful, dealing with a range of issues, including online safety:
Click the picture below to find out more about the different levels of support in Norfolk in place to keep children safe from harm: