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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium (PP) funding is money allocated by the government to provide additional support for children from low-income families, children in care, or those who have parents in military service.

This is done because, nationally, there is evidence that pupils who fall into these categories achieve less well compared to other students. The additional support is intended by the government to enable schools to close this achievement gap.

Money is received based on the number of children in each category, together with the level at which payments are set by the government on an annual basis. Currently, for each eligible child, a school receives £1345 and a premium of £2300 for each child ‘Adopted from Care’ as of April 2016, and an element for any ‘Looked After Children’.

Acle St Edmund Primary Academy takes its responsibilities for ensuring the progress of all pupils very seriously. We adopt an evidence based approach and apply that to the context of our school and the needs of our pupils to help ensure that all pupils make the best progress possible.

Outline of the funding received by the school

‘Ever 6 funding’ includes any pupils who have been entitled to free school meals at some point over the last six years, even if they are no longer entitled. Using the Ever 6 formula, Acle Primary has received £73,825 for the academic year 2023/24, along with £8,555 Recovery Premium.

Please open the document below to view our report of the use of this funding received for the previous academic year 2022/23 and our plan for spending our allocation for the current financial year (in respect of the academic year) 2023/24.

Pupil Premium Plan for 2023-26 and review of the academic year 2024-25


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