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GDPR, Privacy Notices and FOI Scheme

From 25 May 2018, the UK’s Data Protection Act 1998 was replaced by a new law called the GDPR (the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016). This law governs how we collect, use and share people’s information and provides greater rights to individuals and control over how their information is handled by organisations, including schools.

We have already taken a number of steps to review and update our processes around how we are handling pupil, families and staff information and have appointed an external Data Protection Officer, from Data Protection Education, to help us get ready for the changes. Data Protection Education will also be supporting other Primary schools within our local cluster of schools. We will publish more information about how we are meeting the GDPR in due course.

If in the meantime you would like to know more about the GDPR and your rights, please watch the video below by GDPRiS and visit the UK’s data protection regulator, the Information Commissioner’s Office at www.ico.gov.uk

Should you have any queries regarding the GDPR and our school, please email us at email: office@acleprimary.norfolk.sch.uk

Please see our privacy notices and documents below which detail our treatment of personal data:

All schools are also required to publish a Freedom of Information publication scheme.


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